For last year's effort, and full correspondence between myself and my legislators, please view this page.
After a promising start, with little opposition, last year's SB 764, which would have allowed Virginians with the bioptic restriction on their license to get a motorcycle classification/endorsement, failed in the house. From conversations with Del. Hugo's aide, Ms. Dime, it appears that this is largely due to the opposition of Transportation Committee Chairman Del. Wardrup, who has since retired.
We're trying again this year, obviously. This discriminatory oversight in Virginia law must be changed. Both Sen. Cuccinelli and Del. Hugo are up for re-election this year, and will only begin working on this bill after they are (hopefully) re-elected in November. Luckily, all the work has been done, and the bill simply needs to be re-drafted. And possibly supported better. To this end, Del. Hugo's office will be on board from the very beginning!
9/21/07: I was just turned on to FastFred's Motorcycle Rights Ezine by the V-M site maintainer. After getting in contact with the owner, he informed me that South Carolina is pushing a similar bill this year. Hopefully they'll both go through!
That's it for now, I will update as events develope.
© 2007